BOX Parklet + Street Seats


Box Parklets are built from up-cycled cargo containers - the perfect solution for creating functional, stylish public spaces on open streets, for placemaking, and street seating.

This innovative movable parklet is designed to provide a flexible and functional space for community members to gather and relax.

The cargo container serves as the foundation for the parklet, providing a durable and weather-resistant structure. The modular design allows for easy installation and flexibility to adapt to any location, whether it's on a busy street or in a quiet neighborhood.

Our parklet features modular seating, planters and accessibility access that can be customized to the specific needs of your community. It's designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, providing a comfortable and inviting space for people to relax and enjoy.

With our Box Parklet, you can create a vibrant and welcoming public space that encourages community interaction and improves the overall quality of life in your area.

Order yours today and start creating a more livable streets in your neighbourhood!